...emerald cut stones....

So to my Boyfriend's dismay.... my current jewelry addiction are Emerald Cut Stones...

And let's be honest, what girl is not constantly thinking about The Ring.

 The Emerald Cut is....understated elegance.  The word “emerald” comes from the ancient Greek word for “green."  The legend tells that in ancient Greece, emerald diamonds rings were used for restoring poor vision, as well as temporary relief of stress. Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt between 69-30 B.C., was a huge admirer of Emerald.

I am always looking at engagement rings and any jewelry in general.  I work and live jewelry.  I've had jewelry my entire life, but nothing compared to Rings for me.  I have been wearing rings since I was five years old.  Either hearts (grade 1-6) or dolphins (from a trip to Hawaii) or feathers (from a trip to Arizona).  Always on my ring figure.  So I guess you could say that I was prepping for the day that I would get to have one ring for the rest of my life (don't tell my Boyfriend! (He already knows...hehe))

So my addiction comes from the final decision that the rings that I cannot get enough of are emerald cut.  They are classic and important.  They feel like an heirloom and will go with everything.  I will hopefully never look down one day say "How pissed is he going to be if I asked to trade this in?!"
As you could guess I have photos of my favorites! See below.

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