...unsubscribing from email lists...

I have decided to de-clutter my inbox!

I don't know about you but when a $5,000 shopping spree is on the line I give EVERY email address I possibly can!!! 

What does this results in..? 

Getting six promo emails from the same online retailer at the same time.  And I must admit I rarely read even one of those six emails.  

So my obsession as of late has been unsubscribing to these email distro lists... hasn't been easy, there are a lot! And just when I think I am ready to say goodbye forever (or at least until another contest is posted!) They draw be back in with a "We haven't seem you in a while! Here's a coupon you have no chance of resisting!"

Well, I will keep trying...and probably keep shopping, they get me every time!

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